Portraits and Candid Shots (click here for more photos)
Why Do I Need a Headshot?
You’re not an actor, dancer or realtor, you just want to help people with your products or services, so why do you need a headshot? If you have a website, blog or other online presence you want to present a human side to your business. You want to introduce yourself and show customers how you can help them. Customers who see who they are dealing with will be much more likely to buy from you rather than some faceless company.
It’s all about relationships and building trust. That is why realtors put their photos on their business cards and it’s why you should have a good portrait photo of yourself on your website to start that process.
I know many people don’t like having their photo taken, mainly because most photos are shot quickly, without thought to composition and the lighting is usually poor. Often posed shots make us look stiff and uncomfortable, so of course we don’t look our best in those family photos. Rather than trusting to luck, put your trust in a professional photographer to help you create an image of yourself that you will be proud to show and post on your website.
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