Thursday, June 23, 2011

North Bay Meetup - Webify Your Business with Patrick Schwerdtfeger

   Patrick Schwerdtfeger shares his insights on Social Media.
Patrick Schwerdtfeger, the author of "Webify Your Business" and "Marketing Shortcuts for the Self Employed" was our guest speaker for our meeting on June 23rd.
Patrick talked about his journey toward becoming a public speaker and the need to become a published author in order to be taken seriously. From his beginnings talking to Rotary Clubs, Patrick built up the experience and materials that he eventually turned into his book "Webify Your Business".
This book became the inspiration and foundation for several Meetup groups that discussed one or two chapters each week.  Using the book and his work-sheets members learned about the numerous tools on the web for marketing and also shared their experiences and tips for getting the word out about their businesses.   
During his talk, Patrick presented Karen Clark with a bottle of Champagne for all her work as the organizer of the North Bay Meetup. Karen has been leading the group for over a year, covering every chapter in Patrick's book and then starting on some of the new material from his latest book.  
At the end of the meeting, Patrick signed books and answered questions from the members.  More Photos.

For more info about Patrick Schwerdtfeger go to
For more info about Karen Clark go to

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